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Unlock Your Potential with AWToolbox's Comprehensive Training Program

Updated: Nov 27, 2023

Training your resources is key in any industry. At our primary focus is Baseline Training. The type of training focused on bringing your resources up to date with the latest the software has to offer to prepare them for identifying ways and means of solving complex customer use cases in their projects or on their teams.

Our content is composed of 1080p HD quality technical demonstrations. The instructor presents just as they would in a classroom but through a recorded video and lectures and puts into practice the tools and resources you will need to become skilled with Teamcenter and Active Workspace.

In addition to the paid video content, we provide links to additional resources such as the Siemens Knowledge base and community sites, online help documentation and more. Though the paid content is the video lectures, this extra information is a great addition to aid in retainment and learning.

Feel like you need to ask some questions?

Completely understandable, AWToolbox offers Mentoring. Mentoring services can be thought of as office hours you can book as an additional service to be able to ask questions, walk through a use case, etc. Contact us with your question/topic and we will let you know what we recommend.

These sessions typically take place after a course is completed, however can be scheduled at any time. The Mentoring sessions can be thought of as mini private ad-hoc courses = Mentoring.

We provide in-depth technical demonstrations in the Teamcenter and Active Workspace software.

100% Remote

Take our courses on your time. Don't forfeit your work-life balance to take a class, all our courses are 100% remote.


Our platform is setup to make it easy to watch our demonstrations and quickly consume our content.


Don't stress about catching some bug, or be being stranded in a random city, hotel, or airport just for the sake of learning. Take advantage of the technology we have all become accustomed to and make training travel to you.


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