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  • Explore files with built in tools and MS Office

    The Explore interacting with files through built in features and the Microsoft Office Integration demonstration provides a deep dive into working with files in the Active Workspace client. The primary topics will include creating and editing files using the Replace tool and tables, launching and modifying files in the Microsoft Office Integration, and interacting with some of the built in tools in the Microsoft Office Integration. At the conclusion of the demonstration, students will: Understand working with existing files in the Active Workspace client. Download, modify and replace files using the out of the box Replace tool in Active Workspace. Create files manually through commands and through drag and drop into tables. Create files and attach files to other data with tables. Create files through the Microsoft Office Integration with Excel and Word.

  • Explore the Microsoft Office Interface and Options

    The Explore the Microsoft Office Interface and Options demonstration provides a deep dive into working with the Teamcenter Microsoft Office Integration interface to interact with files and commands in Teamcenter and Active Workspace. The primary topics will include opening and interacting with the Microsoft Office Integration toolbar, performing Global Searches, understanding commonly used commands and capabilities such as workflows, check in/out, Home folder navigation, inserting data into documents, marking up documents; all while in the Microsoft Office Integration toolbar. At the conclusion of the demonstration, students will: Understand the features and purpose of the Microsoft Office Integration. Launch and sign in to the Microsoft Office Integration toolbar in Microsoft. Office Applications. Interact with Active Workspace Global Search in Office. Review the various commands in the Teamcenter toolbar in the Office Integration. Understand which Office applications are available with the integration. Create data using the integration toolbar. Navigate the Home folder in the integration. Open a file and check out the file for modification. Working with Markups in the integration. Submit and interact with workflows and inboxes through the integration. Insert Active Workspace data directly into a file. Create and work with object links inserted into files.

  • Build new data from scratch or from existing data

    The Learn how to build new data from scratch or from existing data demonstration provides an in-depth demonstration into how data is created in the Active Workspace Client. The demonstration guides students through the manual creation of data using commands and tiles. Students will also interact with the data post creation to modify properties and explore where the data resides. During the demonstration, students will: Understand the methods to create data. Create objects and elements manually. Create objects and elements with automation through Tiles. Explore the newly created data to see and change details about the data. Understand a deeper definition of object types and their different properties and features. Understand how the database stores the created data at a high level. Create data and reference the data in locations such as the Home location and Newstuff folders. Be able to populate and understand required and available properties during the creation of an object. Use the Start Edit and other edit commands to modify data after creation.

  • Examine objects and relations

    The Examine objects and relations to learn the essential structure and relations for data in the system demonstration provides an exploration of how data is represented in the Active Workspace and Teamcenter software. A special emphasis on relations and relating data is the primary focus, however other topics include creating and removing related data, how the format of data interacts with operations like save as and revise and usability overviews of user interface features which aid in exploring the relationships and data structures. At the conclusion of the demonstration, students will: Understand how data is represented in Active Workspace. Review object types ( Items, Revisions, Files, etc. ) Navigate and locate properties to help describe the type of object displayed. Understand the purpose to use different object types, such as revise and save as operations and how child elements are related. Explore the Where Used page to examine related data and references to that data in the system. Work with the Relations page to provide a visual on the relations and referenced objects in the database. Interact with the Attachments page to further explore related data and attached objects. Interact with the Workflow and Participant pages for a selected object to see associated workflow process and process details. Create related data to objects you have access to in the database. Review and understand common relationships in Active Workspace. Utilize drag-and-drop from the operating system to Active Workspace to create related data. Explore default relations applied by drag-and-drop. Remove relations and associated data from parent object with the Cut command. Change the existing relationship defining the connection between two objects. Attach existing data using the Add Panel from the Search or Clipboard options.

  • Work with data in Active Workspace

    The Work with data in Active Workspace section of the course provides deep dive video demonstrations pertaining to: Creating and managing objects in Active Workspace. Relate and examine data relations Create and remove related data How the format of data interacts with operations like save as and revise Usability overviews of user interface features which aid in exploring the relationships and data structures The manual creation of data using commands and tiles. Interacting with the data post creation to modify properties and explore where the data resides. The goal of this section is to provide students with the details necessary to effectively create and interact with data and relations in the Active Workspace client.

  • Learn how to use the Global Search to find data

    The Learn how to use the Global Search to locate and filter data demonstration provides a deep dive into executing Global Searches, applying filtering options, working with Global Search results, saving search results and configuring settings to control the interaction with the search results. At the conclusion of the demonstration, students will: Understand the function of the Global Search. Review the data which can be searched on using the Global Search. Explore search techniques, such as a single value, specific property value, and / or combinations, date and numerical ranges and more. Set pre-filters to filter data based on a property during the execution of the search. Filter the search results after the search is executed. Understand how to clear filters. Work with the Selection Mode to quickly select and interact with results. Compare result properties in a side-by-side comparison. Toggle search result Highlighting and Color Filtering options. Change search settings to dictate filter options. Explore additional wildcard options. Modify the filter values to display by count or alphabetically. Optimize filter display by auto-expanding filters commonly used filters. Toggle whether the first object is selected in the search results when displayed. Save a search to rerun it later and share or pin the search for easy access.

  • Explore additional search capabilities

    The Learn how to use the Global Search to locate and filter data demonstration provides a deep dive into alternate methods of searching in Active Workspace. The primary topics will include executing Advanced Searches, Quick Searches, creating Active Folders, and interacting with the Quick Access and Assistant Panels. At the conclusion of the demonstration, students will: Explore Advanced Searches. Compare Advanced Searches to Global Searches. Understand how to access the Advanced Search panel. Explore the differences between the Quick Search and the Advanced Search. Execute a Quick Search and explore the search results and how they differ from the Global Search results. Run Quick Searches to review wildcard options. Execute an Advanced Search from a selected available search type. Interact with the properties in the Advanced Search panel to set date ranges, select from drop-down lists, and fill in or clear search values. Explore Active Folders and understand their use case. Understand some of the out of the box Active Folders and interact with their data. Edit an out of the box Active Folder to modify the data it returns. Review the Rules and Sharing information related to the Active Folder. Create a new Active Folder from scratch in the system. Interact with the Active Workspace Assistant to see commonly accessed data and commands you run or from your team. Execute Filter By Property or Find in this content filtering and searching to located data in a set of results, table or filters.

  • Explore how to view and build user reports

    The Explore how to view and build user reports demonstration provides an exploration of viewing and building user reports in Active Workspace. The video also explores additional features in the client which provide a similar functionality to reports, such as exporting search results with certain columns to an excel output. At the conclusion of the demonstration, students will: Understand the base reporting feature and user interface in Active Workspace. Explore existing reports that are available. Modify the definition of an existing report. Create a new report. Explore and generate Summary reports from report templates. View the My Reports sublocation. Execute Item reports against a single object. Understand the XSL templates available when generating a report. Explore how search results may be used similar to reports and exported into output formats such as Excel.

  • Search for data in Active Workspace

    The Search for data in Active Workspace section of the course provides deep dive video demonstrations on a variety of searching topics including: Interacting with the Global Search. Performing Quick Searches for single properties. Executing Advanced Searches for a more tailored search. Interacting with the Search Results, Active Folders and more! Building and running reports. The goal of this section is to provide students with the details necessary to locate data in the Active Workspace Client.

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